After a long hike in the wild forest of Canada. 

Our daughter, Anna practicing...

 Our daughter, Inna

Daughter Inna. Gorge near Lake Plasid

During two days we didn't have electricity, but Inna didn't seem bored:) In the motel room on Lake George.

Ensemble "RETRO" in TV studio  

Lake George

  Rainbow and sunset on the Lake George


Anatoliy and Anna. Falls on Finger Lakes. 

 Wild nature... Upstate NY.

During concert...

In the Lincoln Center 

Cute canadian baby-ducks.  

Canadian really wild forest... not sure people visit it sometimes... One of the best places I've ever been.

On my wedding day I kept practicing... 

With my personal  pianist, musicologist and composer, who is also my sister:)  Improvising. By the way, you can see her sweater and my shawl, which I knitted by hands.

In Brooklyn Zoo 

 I founded this chamber orchestra in 1986. In a year we won 1st prize in the republican competition among junior chamber groups. Since that time till now the orchestra is very popular in the country.

 I got this photo from my friend, Dora Bogdanov, a violin teacher (she is in the right corner), who continues working with the chamber orchestra after me (2008). They make up to 40 concerts in a year!

During concert at the Mozir Exhibition Hall with students.
